
Get in touch with us!

Do not hesitate to contact us! We design functional and comprehensive solutions that are simply unmissable. We provide global retail marketing services across Europe.

Brno - headquarters

Authentica, s.r.o.
Vídeňská 102/113, CZ-619 00
Brno, Česká republika
IČO 26883082, DIČ CZ26883082
Registrace KS v Brně, C 43287

Syrovice - expedition warehouse

areál Prologis Syrovice - rampa F
Syrovice 688, Syrovice
664 67, Česká republika

Prague - branch office

Petržílkova 1
CZ-15800, Praha 13
Česká republika

Authentica GmbH Germany

Schwadermühlstrasse 3
D-90556 Cadolzburg
+49 160 96636575

Sabine Rohlederer